Awful working conditions, frequent work injuries and low wages have become the norm for Amazon around the world. Workers in the Montreal region have decided to take matters into their own hands and fight for their rights. We are demanding:
We all know what Jeff Bezos’ obsession with “performance targets” means for our ability to raise our kids and feed our families: terrible pay, constant high-pace pressure and regular injuries sending us home sick.
That’s why we need a union to bargain collectively for a decent contract, one that will improve our working conditions and enable us to file grievances if Amazon violates the agreement.
We want to send Amazon management in Montreal a strong message: “This may seem like a game to you, but to us, it’s about providing for our families and protecting ourselves at work.” We need to think outside the box. Join us and get ready to change things for the better.
The lack of clear rules at Amazon is a constant source of frustration for employees. How are tasks assigned? What are the criteria for awarding blue badges? Why are some employees denied a change of schedule? On what basis are promotions decided? Here are the Amazon DXT4 bargaining demands.
We are safe: compared with the U.S. and the rest of Canada, the Quebec Labour Code gives us better protection against Amazon’s well-known anti-union tactics. Sections 12, 15, and 36 of the Labour Code are crystal-clear:
Our new union is committed to listening to ALL members, to standing up for ALL of us, and to fighting for the specific needs of Amazon workers in Montreal, both in our workplaces and in our communities.
There are many work accidents at Amazon. But instead of reporting the accidents, AMCARE transfers injured employees to light duties. It means our accidents are never reported to the CNESST. By keeping the CNESST out of the picture, Amazon avoids having to improve health and safety in the workplace and fixing the root problems.
As soon as a work-related injury is reported by a physician, the CSN provides a legal advisor who will assist the member at every stage of the process with the CNESST: filling in the forms, responding to challenges, legal representation at hearings. To repeat: all members of CSN have this right. Every single worker.
At other CSN unions, warehouse workers in comparable jobs earn an average of $28 per hour. That’s because they have a union, they fought for it, and they have the full support of the CSN.
The CSN is a century-old organization made up of nearly 1,600 unions. It provides a wide range of services and supports to more than 325,000 workers, mainly in Quebec but also in the rest of Canada.
The Montreal Amazon Workers’ Union (MAWU-CSN) provides its membership with extensive support. Our agreement with the CSN gives us access to unparalleled services, all included with our union dues.
An experienced CSN union advisor will be assigned to our collective bargaining talks, enforcing the union contract, and generally strengthening our organization, the MAWU–CSN.
With MAWU–CSN, we finally have an opportunity to negotiate a real collective agreement, based on our own democratically determined priorities. Every step will be transparent to all the members.
The CSN Health & Safety Department has a team of more than thirty people who work in three different fields: prevention, defence of injured persons, and environmental issues.
The department has union advisors who specialize in representing union members on workers’ compensation issues (CNESST / industrial accidents and diseases), industrial engineers, mental health professionals and ergonomists.
All this helps make our jobs safer and ensures that our rights are respected and that we are afforded all the supports we are entitled to when we are sick or injured.
Every MAWU–CSN member will have direct access to professional advice. Education sessions are available to help members perform OH&S duties, support decision-making and facilitate union representation.
The CSN has the largest union legal department in Canada. It is made up of a team of about 25 lawyers who work only for the CSN and are dedicated to defending workers’ rights. They plead cases before the courts in every province, up to and including the Supreme Court of Canada. We also retain outside law firms for specialized matters.
The CSN also provides criminal representation when your employer does not provide the legal assistance you are entitled to in the performance of your duties.
Experienced advisors provide support during bargaining talks. They partner with our union officers and workplace committees to implement action plans and encourage broad participation by members in the affairs of the union.
To be treated fairly at work, workers need to be able to stand up to their employers. This is a core principle for CSN unions. We need the employer to know that when we go
to the bargaining table, we’re willing to back up our demands with action. The CSN ensures that we have the support we need to do so.
Specialized communications, public relations and media relations advisors help raise awareness about our union demands in the media. They also support our internal communications and help us develop our social media presence.
The CSN’s Professional Defence Fund is a unique collective tool that helps and supports workers and their CSN union during a strike, lockout or organizing drive.
This fund is used to financially assist workers who belong to a union affiliated with the CSN or who are in the process of being organized by the CSN, and who are dismissed or suspended for union activities related to organizing, a strike, a lockout, or pressure tactics decided upon by the union.
Members can take education sessions on various practical subjects, such as grievances, the shop steward’s duties, health & safety, mobilization, etc.
CSN advisors provide support with bookkeeping and accountants can help prepare transparent financial statements and check our union’s financial health. Professionals are also available to work directly with our treasurer, if desired. In CSN unions, union finances are always transparent and open to the members.
Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN)
© 2022. All rights reserved.